Month: December 2018

Holen Sie sich jetzt Rote und Weiße Motorradhandschuhe €193.50

Rote und Weiße Motorradhandschuhe

die neuesten Motorrad-Lederhandschuhe, die je nach den Bedürfnissen der Rennfahrer in roten und weißen Farben gestaltet sind. mit zusätzlichen Sicherheitsmerkmalen wie Sicherheitsnähten, Knöchelprotektoren, um den Fahrer an einem regnerischen Tag sicher zu halten. zu einem sehr günstigen Preis erhältlich.


Rote und Weiße Motorradhandschuhe Spezifikation & Konstruktionsdetails

  • Motorradhandschuhe Merkmale Vollnarbenleder Konstruktion für Abrieb- und Reißfestigkeit.
  • Lederverstärkung zwischen linkem Handschuhdaumen und Zeigefinger.
  • Gummischutz.
  • Gummi Potector mit Lufteinlässen und Auslassanschluss für die Kühlleistung.
  • Motorradhandschuhe Palme, Daumen und Finger TPU Schieber sind auf Poly-Schaum montiert und strategisch positioniert für überlegene Schlagzähigkeit und Abriebfestigkeit.
  • Vorgekrümmten Handfläche und Finger zum formschlüssigen Komfort.
  • Diese Motorrad Lederhandschuhe haben integrierte flexible Schutzknöchel und bieten diskreten Schutz.
  • Klettband-Handgelenkverschlüsse, verhindert ungewolltes Entfernen im Falle eines Sturzes.
  • Velcromanschette Handgelenk Verschluss.
  • Diese Motorrad Lederhandschuhe sind Sicherheit genähtes mit hohem Festigkeit Nylonfaden.

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Motorrad Lederhandschuhe


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Raccogliere James Toseland Honda WSBK 2007 Tuta in Pelle €773.14

James Toseland Honda WSBK 2007 Tuta in Pelle

le fantastiche tuta honda indossate dal motociclista di fama mondiale james toseland sull’evento di wsbk nel 2007. disponibile nei disegni e nei colori desiderati. ordinarlo da tutto il mondo per un prezzo periodo limitato sconto speciale.

James Toseland Honda WSBK 2007 Leathers front

James Toseland

James Toseland Honda Tuta in Pelle Caratteristiche di Sicurezza

  • James Toseland tuta in pelle pieno fiore selezionato che è stato appositamente elaborato e tamburo tinti per un’eccellente resistenza all’abrasione e durata nel tempo.
  • Protezione interna sulla spalla, gomito e ginocchio sono approvati CE.
  • Ulteriori strato di pelle è cucita su spalle, gomiti, ginocchia e fianchi per una maggiore protezione da crash e trascinare.
  • imbottitura in schiuma sul gomito e ginocchio per ridurre l’impatto incidente.
  • maniche pre-curvate per una corretta posizione di guida.
  • Sicurezza sembra con doppio punto e tripla cucitura sui luoghi più critici.
  • auto-bloccaggio cerniere YKK semi per una chiusura sicura.
  • armature di densità doppia rimovibili alle ginocchia, spalle e gomiti.
  • protettore della colonna vertebrale a doppia densità rimovibile.
  • James Toseland tuta Cursori di ginocchio rimovibili.
  • imbottitura in gomma per una maggiore sicurezza sulle parti critiche (opzionale su richiesta)
  • Aerodinamico gobba di velocità esteso per la sicurezza del collo e la spina dorsale (opzionale)

Tuta Specifiche & Costruzione Dettagli

Guscio Esterno

  • Top bovina grano di spessore 1.2 al 1,3 millimetri è usato James Toseland tuta.
  • Pannelli di fisarmonica elasticizzati in pelle sulla parte bassa della schiena e le ginocchia per migliorare la flessibilità e comfort.
  • Cordura elastico messo a specifiche aree di maniche, cavallo e polpaccio per il massimo allungamento.
  • Approvato CE esterno protezioni su spalle, gomiti e ginocchia.
  • Maniche pre-curvate per una corretta posizione di guida.
  • Blocco automatico semi cerniere YKK sul davanti, polsino e vitello.
  • Velcro rinforzata cinghia sul collo, polsino e vitello.
  • Velcro per il fissaggio cursore ginocchio.
  • Bracciale morbido neoprene e la costruzione collare.
  • Sicurezza cucito con alta resistenza filo di nylon viene utilizzato per la massima sicurezza.

Guscio Interno

  • James Toseland tuta hanno anche fodera in rete di poliestere.
  • CE ha approvato a doppia densità armature (rimovibili) a ginocchia, spalle e gomiti.
  • doppia densità rimovibile (CE approvato) protettore della colonna vertebrale.
  • CE removibili gobba aerodinamica (opzionale)
  • Lato sinistro della maglia interna tasca sul petto

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James Toseland

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Princess Jacket | Buy Now | Leather Collection

Leather Princess Jacket

Princess leather jacket. An amazingly astonishing jacket with a diamond pattern on shoulder and waist of the jacket and fine ribbon detailing on the arms. Every woman’s choice. Get it for a reasonable price in made to measure perfect fitting.

Princess Leather Jacket White front view

leather jacket

Leather Princess Jacket

Outer Shell:

  • Made of 100% nappa sheepskin.
  • Stand alone collar.
  • Zip closure.
  • Princess Jacket have pearl buttons.
  • Shoulder epaulettes.

Inner Shell:

  • Leather jacket white have satin lining.
  • 2 Interior pockets.

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Princess Jacket

leather jacket

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Women Leather Military Jacket made of genuine buffalo leather with antique finishing is a fantastic blend of military jacket and leather coat. Extended flaps, extensive use of brass accessories, parallel seems on shoulder, double seams and adjustable waist strap gives it a unique look with style. Military jacket featuring front zipper enclosure, one chest and two side pockets and silk lining.


Richiedi ora Troy Corser Aprilia WSBK 2000 Tuta in Pelle Corsa €773.

Troy Corser Aprilia WSBK 2000 Tuta in Pelle Corsa

tuta in pelle corsa con le misure di sicurezza supplementari per farvi sentire come un immortale e ricontrollato caratteristiche di comfort per mantenere il vostro giro rilassante. Troy Corser ha indossato questi tuta in pelle corsa per Aprilia in wbsk 2000. disponibile per soldi ragionevoli.

Troy Corser Aprilia WSBK 2000 Racing Leathers front

Troy Corser

Troy Corser Aprilia Tuta in Pelle Corsa Caratteristiche di Sicurezza

  • Troy Corser tuta in pelle pieno fiore selezionato che è stato appositamente elaborato e tamburo tinti per un’eccellente resistenza all’abrasione e durata nel tempo.
  • Protezione interna sulla spalla, gomito e ginocchio sono approvati CE.
  • Ulteriori strato di pelle è cucita su spalle, gomiti, ginocchia e fianchi per una maggiore protezione da crash e trascinare.
  • imbottitura in schiuma sul gomito e ginocchio per ridurre l’impatto incidente.
  • maniche pre-curvate per una corretta posizione di guida.
  • Sicurezza sembra con doppio punto e tripla cucitura sui luoghi più critici.
  • auto-bloccaggio cerniere YKK semi per una chiusura sicura.
  • armature di densità doppia rimovibili alle ginocchia, spalle e gomiti.
  • protettore della colonna vertebrale a doppia densità rimovibile.
  • Troy Corser tuta Cursori di ginocchio rimovibili.
  • imbottitura in gomma per una maggiore sicurezza sulle parti critiche (opzionale su richiesta)
  • Aerodinamico gobba di velocità esteso per la sicurezza del collo e la spina dorsale (opzionale)

Tuta Specifiche & Costruzione Dettagli

Guscio Esterno

  • Top bovina grano di spessore 1.2 al 1,3 millimetri è usato Troy Corser tuta.
  • Pannelli di fisarmonica elasticizzati in pelle sulla parte bassa della schiena e le ginocchia per migliorare la flessibilità e comfort.
  • Cordura elastico messo a specifiche aree di maniche, cavallo e polpaccio per il massimo allungamento.
  • Approvato CE esterno protezioni su spalle, gomiti e ginocchia.
  • Maniche pre-curvate per una corretta posizione di guida.
  • Blocco automatico semi cerniere YKK sul davanti, polsino e vitello.
  • Velcro rinforzata cinghia sul collo, polsino e vitello.
  • Velcro per il fissaggio cursore ginocchio.
  • Bracciale morbido neoprene e la costruzione collare.
  • Sicurezza cucito con alta resistenza filo di nylon viene utilizzato per la massima sicurezza.

Guscio Interno

  • Troy Corser tuta hanno anche fodera in rete di poliestere.
  • CE ha approvato a doppia densità armature (rimovibili) a ginocchia, spalle e gomiti.
  • doppia densità rimovibile (CE approvato) protettore della colonna vertebrale.
  • CE removibili gobba aerodinamica (opzionale)
  • Lato sinistro della maglia interna tasca sul petto

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Troy Corser

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Andare online COMPLETE CUSTOM JACKET €344.00






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Compra Ahora Traje Moto – Japan Bandera Traje – Leather Collection

Japan Bandera Traje Moto

Traje moto de cuero con bandera de Japón, uno de los trajes de motocicleta diseñados patrióticamente con características prometedoras adicionales modificadas relacionadas con la protección contra abrasiones y cortes accidentales.

Japan Bandera Traje Moto Vista Frontal

Japan Bandera Traje Moto

Japan Bandera Traje Moto Caracteristicas De Seguridad

  • Diseñado & adaptado utilizando la geometría de la carrera con los últimos materiales de seguridad de alto rendimiento y técnicas de construcción avanzadas
  • Traje Moto cueros cuentan con cuero de grano completo para una excelente resistencia a la abrasión.
  • Estiramiento de Kevlar para un movimiento máximo con protección.
  • Acordeón paneles elásticos de cuero en los codos, las rodillas y la espalda baja mejorar la flexibilidad y el confort de conducción.
  • Armadura aprobada CE en hombros, antebrazos & rodillas.
  • Gamuza de velocidad de carrera aerodinámicamente esculpida, diseñada específicamente para la protección de la espalda en todas las condiciones.
  • Protector de columna de doble densidad extraíble.
  • Moldes de TPU en el hombro & rodilla.
  • Deslizadores de rodilla intercambiables.
  • Relleno de goma en bíceps, cadera y cóccix.
  • Traje Moto cueros de carreras son multi-fila cosida con hilo de nylon de alta resistencia.

Construcción De Cueros De Carreras

  • Además, ropa para moto cuenta con cuero genuino de piel de vaca de 1.2 mm a 1.4 mm para obtener excelentes propiedades de resistencia a la abrasión y es extremadamente duradero. (Cuero canguro opcional con costo adicional).
  • Todos los trajes están hechos a pedido solo para ti. Disponible en tamaños estándar de EE.UU. 32-54 de Estados Unidos para los señores y señoras. Tamaño personalizado completo basado en las medidas de su cuerpo.
  • Mangas precurvadas para una posición de conducción adecuada.
  • Cremalleras semi autobloqueantes en la muñeca para un cierre seguro.
  • Cremallera YKK de alta calidad utilizada en todo el traje.
  • Construcción de cuello y puño de neopreno suave.
  • Estiramiento de Kevlar utilizado en la entrepierna, detrás de la pantorrilla y debajo de las mangas para un estiramiento máximo.
  • Velcro para sujetar la rodilla puck se cosen.
  • Forro interior extraíble, lavable, 100% antibacteriano.
  • Bolsillo en el pecho con malla interior izquierda .
  • Los paneles de cuero perforado mejoran el flujo de aire dentro del traje (opcional).
  • Puntada triple utilizada para la mayor resistencia de la costura.
  • ropa para moto viene con pierna por encima de diseño de la bota (opcional).

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Traje Moto

Japan Bandera Traje Moto

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Leder Anzüge Moto GP – MotoGP Racing Suit – Grand Prix Motorcycle Racing Suit | LC

Leder Anzüge Moto GP – MotoGP Racing Suit – Grand Prix Motorcycle Racing Suit | LC

Find out what your favorite rider was wearing the leather suit and have the same for your self, with all the safety features at an exceptional price.

MotoGP Racing Suit

MotoGP Racing Suit

Find out what your favorite rider was wearing the leather suit and have the same for your self, with all the safety features at an exceptional price.

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MotoGP Clothing

MotoGP Racing Suit

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Order Now Spiderman Leather Race Suit for $800.00

Spiderman Leather Race Suit

Are you a fan of Spiderman? Then check out this leather race suit. An amazingly designed masterpiece, providing absolute safety on track or off track. Always match your needs and demands.

Spiderman Leather Race Suit front view

leather race suit

Spiderman Leather Race Suit Safety Features

  • Leather race suit is designed & tailored using the race geometry with latest high performance safety materials and advanced construction techniques
  • Premium full-grain leather for excellent abrasion resistance.
  • Kevlar stretch for maximum movement with protection in leather race suit.
  • Accordion leather stretch panels on elbows, lower back and knees improve flexibility and riding comfort.
  • CE approved Armour on shoulders, forearms & knees.
  • Aerodynamically sculpted racing speed hump, specifically designed for back protection in all conditions.
  • Removable dual density spine protector.
  • TPU moulds on shoulder & knee.
  • Interchangeable Knee Sliders.
  • Rubber padding on Bicep, hip and tail bone.
  • Leather race suit is multi-row stitched with high-strength nylon thread.

Race Suit Construction

  • Leather race suit also features genuine cowhide top grain leather 1.2mm to 1.4mm for excellent abrasion resistance properties and is extremely durable. (Kangaroo leather optional on additional cost).
  • All suits are made to order just for you. Available in standard sizes US 32-54 US for Gents & Ladies. Full custom sizing based on your body measurements
  • Pre-Curved sleeves for proper riding position.
  • Semi auto-lock zippers on the wrist for secure closure.
  • High quality YKK zipper used throughout the leather race suit.
  • Soft neoprene cuff and collar construction.
  • Kevlar stretch used in crotch, behind Calf and under sleeves for maximum stretch.
  • Velcro for attaching knee puck are sewn.
  • Removable, washable, 100% anti-bacterial inner lining.
  • Left side inner mesh chest pocket.
  • Perforated leather panels enhance airflow within the leather race suit (optional).
  • Triple stitching used for the greatest seem strength.
  • Leg over boot design (optional).

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race suit

leather race suit

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Wählen Herren Winterhandschuhe aus Lammfell

Herren Winterhandschuhe aus Lammfell

Dieses paar Herren Winterhandschuhe aus Lammfell kommt mit hochwertigen und eine exquisite Erfahrung mit helfen mit Schutz gegen den Winter und seine Auswirkungen. aus feinem Lammfell und mit einem feinen Wollfutter.

Herren Winterhandschuhe aus Lammfell obere Ansicht

herren winterhandschuhe

Herren Winterhandschuhe Spezifikationen & Konstruktionsdetails

  • Herren Winterhandschuhe sind für den täglichen gebrauch und freizeitkleidung gemacht
  • Bestehend aus echten weichen leder
  • Herren Winterhandschuhe merkmale fein nähen
  • 100% Kaschmirwolle ausgekleidet

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herren winterhandschuhe

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Pick Valentino Rossi Yamaha MotoGP (Spain) 2005 Leathers for CA$1,177.

Valentino Rossi Yamaha MotoGP 2005 Race Suit

An eye-catching suit with high-quality material that also presents the rider with a very good look with the help of its amazing design. Buy Valentino Rossi Yamaha MotoGP 2005 race suit for a very modest price.

Valentino Rossi Yamaha MotoGP 2005 Race Suit front view

valentino rossi race suit

Valentino Rossi Yamaha MotoGP 2005 Race Suit Safety Features

  • Valentino Rossi race suit features selected top grain leather that is especially processed and drum dyed for excellent abrasion resistance and durability.
  • Internal protection on shoulder, elbow and knee are CE approved.
  • Additional layer of leather is stitched on shoulders, elbows, knees and hips for extra protection from crash and drag.
  • Foam padding on elbow and knee to reduce crash impact.
  • Pre-curved sleeves for proper riding position.
  • Safety seems with dual stitch and triple stitched on most critical places.
  • Semi auto-lock YKK zippers for secure closure are used for MotoGP racing suit.
  • Removable dual density armors at knees, shoulders and elbows.
  • Removable dual density spine protector.
  • Removable Knee Sliders.
  • Rubber padding for extra safety on critical parts (Optional feature on request)
  • Aerodynamic extended speed hump for the safety of neck and backbone (Optional)

Suit Specifications & Construction Details

Outer Shell

  • Top grain cowhide leather of 1.2 to 1.3 mm thickness is used for Valentino Rossi race suit.
  • Accordion leather stretch panels on lower back and knees to improve flexibility and comfort.
  • Stretchable Cordura placed at specific areas of sleeves, crotch and calf for maximum stretch.
  • External CE Approved Protectors on shoulders, elbows and knees.
  • Pre-curved sleeves for proper riding position.
  • Semi auto-lock YKK zippers at front, cuff and calf.
  • Velcro reinforced strap on neck, cuff and calf.
  • MotoGP racing suit have velcro’s for attaching knee slider.
  • Soft neoprene cuff and collar construction.
  • Safety stitched with high strength nylon thread is used for maximum safety.

Inner Shell

  • Valentino Rossi race suit also have Polyester mesh lining.
  • CE approved dual density (removable) armors at knees, shoulders and elbows.
  • Removable dual density (CE approved) spine protector.
  • Removable CE approved aerodynamic hump (Optional)
  • MotoGP racing suit has a left side inner mesh chest pocket

Interested to buy the product?

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motogp racing

valentino rossi race suit

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Black Leather Jacket With Fur Collar – Fur Collar Jacket

Black Leather Jacket With Fur Collar

This stylish ladies Black Leather Jacket With Fur Collar collar features special features about zippers, pockets, full zipped front and snap collar. It is 100% leather and the fur on a collar is removable.

Black Leather Jacket With Fur Collar front view

Black Leather Jacket With Fur Collar

Black Leather Jacket With Fur Collar

Outer Shell:

  • Fur collar jacket.
  • Black Leather Jacket With Fur Collar features a removable fur collar.
  • Genuine leather 0.8 – 0.9 mm.
  • Original YKK double zippers at front.
  • Two side hand pockets.
  • This Black Leather Jacket With Fur Collar is stitched with polyester thread.

Inner Shell:

  • Fur collar jacket features satin lining.
  • 2 interior pockets.

Interested to buy the product?

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Fur Collar Jacket

Black Leather Jacket With Fur Collar

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Pick it Now United Kingdom Flag Motorcycle Riding Suit for SEK7,040.00

United Kingdom Flag Motorcycle Riding Suit

UK Flag suit designed with promising extra modified features related to protection from accidental abrasions and cuts on the field, in street or on the road. This motorcycle riding suit is made under proper supervision keeping the comfort and safety of the rider in mind. Also available with British riding gear

United Kingdom Flag Motorcycle Riding Suit front view

motorcycle riding suit

UK Flag Motorcycle Riding Suit Safety Features

  • Motorcycle riding suit is designed & tailored using the race geometry with latest high performance safety materials and advanced construction techniques
  • Premium full-grain leather for excellent abrasion resistance.
  • Kevlar stretch for maximum movement with protection.
  • Accordion leather stretch panels on elbows, lower back and knees improve flexibility and riding comfort.
  • CE approved Armour on shoulders, forearms & knees.
  • Aerodynamically sculpted racing speed hump, specifically designed for back protection in all conditions.
  • Motorcycle riding suit have a removable dual density spine protector.
  • TPU moulds on shoulder & knee.
  • Interchangeable Knee Sliders.
  • Rubber padding on Bicep, hip and tail bone.
  • Motorcycle riding suit is multi-row stitched with high-strength nylon thread.

Riding Suit Construction

  • Motorcycle riding suit constructed from genuine cowhide top grain leather 1.2 to 1.4 mm for excellent abrasion resistance properties and is extremely durable. (Kangaroo leather optional on additional cost).
  • All suits are made to order just for you. Available in standard sizes US 32-54 US for Gents & Ladies. Full custom sizing based on your body measurements
  • Pre-curved sleeves for proper riding position.
  • Semi auto-lock zippers on the wrist for secure closure.
  • High quality YKK zipper used throughout the motorcycle riding suit.
  • Soft neoprene cuff and collar construction.
  • Kevlar stretch used in crotch, behind calf and under sleeves for maximum stretch.
  • Velcro for attaching knee puck are sewn.
  • Removable, washable, 100% anti-bacterial inner lining.
  • Left side inner mesh chest pocket.
  • Perforated leather panels enhance airflow within the motorcycle riding suit (optional).
  • Triple stitching used for the greatest seem strength.
  • Leg over boot design (optional).

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riding suit

motorcycle riding suit

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Black Leather Motorcycle Vest | Buy Now | Leather Collection

Women Black Leather Motorcycle Vest

Women black leather motorcycle vest is a fine and elegant designed vest having particular features like five button on the front, two side front pockets, two inside pocket, adjustable side lace. Made of premium leather.

Women Black Leather Motorcycle Vest Front View

Motorcycle Vest

Black Leather Motorcycle Vest

Outer Shell:

  • Black Leather Motorcycle Vest is made of premium leather.
  • 5 Snap button closure.
  • Women motorcycle vest have two front pocket.
  • Safety stitch.

Inner Shell:

  • Women motorcycle vest features polyester mesh lining.
  • Two inner pocket.
  • Safety stitch.

Interested to buy the product?

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Black Leather Motorcycle Vest

Motorcycle Vest

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Get Now Nia Giacca Donna Casual €619.20

Nia Giacca Donna Casual

Nia giacca donna casual è stato fatto dalla pelle di pecora autentica che è stato tinto poi stone washed con un pizzico di cera opaca per dargli quel tagliente sguardo avvertono. con zip di metallo per fissaggio e tasche laterali anteriori, fibbia regolabile in vita.

Nia Women Casual Jacket hooded front view

Giacca Donna Casual

Nia Giacca Donna Casual Panoramica

Nia giacca donna casual è stato fatto dalla pelle di pecora autentica che è stato tinto poi stone washed con un pizzico di cera opaca per dargli quel tagliente sguardo avvertono. con zip di metallo per fissaggio e tasche laterali anteriori, fibbia regolabile in vita.

Giacca Donna Casual Specifiche & Costruzione Dettagli

  • Giacca Donna Casual è fatto di pelle di pecora 100%
  • 100% Fodera di seta è utilizzato in Giacca Casual
  • Giacca Casual hanno una vestibilità slim chiusa
  • pelle specialista pulito solo

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Giacca Casual

Giacca Donna Casual

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Pick it Now Valentino Rossi VR46 Yamaha Leather Suit for A$1,213.65 in

Valentino Rossi VR46 Yamaha Leather Suit

This awesome Valentino Rossi VR46 Yamaha Leather Suit is designed for all the professional racers and road bikers. An amazingly designed masterpiece, providing absolute safety. Always keeping up to your standards.

Valentino Rossi VR46 Yamaha Leather Suit

Valentino Rossi VR46 Yamaha Leather Suit Safety Features

  • Selected top grain leather is used for Valentino Rossi suit that is especially processed and drum dyed for excellent abrasion resistance and durability.
  • Internal protection on shoulder, elbow and knee are CE approved.
  • Additional layer of leather is stitched on shoulders, elbows, knees and hips for extra protection from crash and drag.
  • Foam padding on elbow and knee to reduce crash impact.
  • Pre-curved sleeves for proper riding position.
  • Safety seems with dual stitch and triple stitched on most critical places on this VR46 Yamaha suit.
  • Semi auto-lock YKK zippers for secure closure.
  • Removable dual density armors at knees, shoulders and elbows.
  • Removable dual density spine protector.
  • Valentino Rossi suit have removable knee sliders.
  • Rubber padding for extra safety on critical parts (Optional feature on request)
  • Aerodynamic extended speed hump for the safety of neck and backbone (Optional)

Suit Specifications & Construction Details

Outer Shell

  • Moreover Valentino Rossi suit features top grain cowhide leather of 1.2 to 1.3 mm thickness.
  • Accordion leather stretch panels on lower back and knees to improve flexibility and comfort.
  • Stretchable Cordura placed at specific areas of sleeves, crotch and calf for maximum stretch.
  • External CE Approved Protectors on shoulders, elbows and knees.
  • VR46 Yamaha suit have pre-curved sleeves for proper riding position.
  • Semi auto-lock YKK zippers at front, cuff and calf.
  • Velcro reinforced strap on neck, cuff and calf.
  • Velcro’s for attaching knee slider.
  • Soft neoprene cuff and collar construction.
  • Safety stitched with high strength nylon thread is used for maximum safety.

Inner Shell

  • Valentino Rossi suit also have polyester mesh lining.
  • CE approved dual density (removable) armors at knees, shoulders and elbows.
  • Removable dual density (CE approved) spine protector.
  • Removable CE approved aerodynamic hump (Optional)
  • VR46 Yamaha suit have an left side inner mesh chest pocket

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Valentino Rossi suit

Valentino Rossi VR46 Yamaha Leather Suit

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Bags För män – Get high quality Leather Luggage Bags and Leather travel bags

Bags För män – Get high quality Leather Luggage Bags and Leather travel bags

Shop Leather Collection for Leather Luggage Bags and Leather travel bags and more. Get high quality luggage and travel bags at exceptional values.

Leather Luggage Bags

Leather Luggage Bags

Shop Leather Collection for Leather Luggage Bags and Leather travel bags and more. Get high quality luggage and travel bags at exceptional values.

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leather luggage bags

Leather Luggage Bags

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彼はドゥカティとのMotoGPチャンピオンシップ2011の機会に身に着けていた有名なレーサーバレンチノロッシスーツから設計されています。 この革のジャケットは、尊敬される供給元からの頑丈な材料で作られています。 ライダーを保護するための比較的優れた信頼できる基準を提供する。

Valentino Rossi Ducati 2011 Leather Jacket front view




  • ロッシジャケットは、優れた耐摩耗性のために1.2〜1.3ミリメートルの厚さのドラム染色トップグレイン牛革で作られています。
  • 適切なライディングポジションのためのプレカーブスリーブ。
  • 前面にオリジナルのYKKジッパー、カーフカフ。
  • CEはこのドゥカティレザージャケットの外部プロテクターを承認しました。
  • ケブラーは袖に伸縮性のあるコーデュラ、ふくらはぎを見て。
  • 安全ステッチ


  • バレンチノロッシのジャケットも100%ポリエステルメッシュ裏地があります。
  • CE、肩、肘の取り外し可能なプロテクターを承認しました。
  • CEは取り外し可能なバックプロテクターハンプを承認しました。
  • ドゥカティレザージャケットは安全ステッチです。

Interested to buy the product?

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Buy Now Alex Rins Suzuki MotoGP 2019 Racing Jacket

Alex Rins Suzuki MotoGP 2019 Racing Jacket

A specially designed Suzuki racing jacket from Alex Rins suit he wore to participate in 2019 MotoGP with Suzuki Ecstar, providing the best of what a racer or a rider desires. This Suzuki racing jacket really helps to maintain and improve the motorbike riding experience.

Alex Rins Suzuki MotoGP 2019 Racing Jacket front view

suzuki racing jacket

Alex Rins Suzuki MotoGP 2019 Racing Jacket

Outer Shell:

  • Suzuki racing jacket features 1.2-1.3 mm thick drum dyed top-grain cowhide leather for excellent abrasion resistance.
  • Pre-curved sleeves for proper riding position.
  • Original YKK zipper at front and cuffs of Alex Rins jacket.
  • Kevlar look stretchable Cordura at sleeves, & calf.
  • Safety stitch.

Inner Shell:

  • Suzuki racing jacket also have 100% polyester mesh lining.
  • CE approved removable protectors on shoulder, elbow.
  • CE approved removable back protector & hump.
  • This Alex Rins jacket is safety stitched.

Interested to buy the product?

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alex rins

suzuki racing jacket

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Shop Now X-Men Wolverine Black with Red Strips Biker Leather Jacket fo

X-Men Wolverine Black with Red Strips Biker Leather Jacket

This black version of the X-Men jacket is worn by Logan (Hugh Jackman) as Wolverine in the X-Men series of movies 100% real cowhide leather is used as a raw material for the manufacture of this classy outfit. Thanks to the front zipper, YKK zippers, 2 angled chest zipper pockets, zipper cuffs with webbing tab collar design with button inside quilted liner, limited and exclusive design.

X-Men Wolverine Black with Red Strips Biker Leather Jacket front view

x-men jacket

X-Men Wolverine Leather Jacket

Outer Shell:

  • X-Men jacket is made up of 100% high quality genuine leather.
  • Wolverine leather jacket have a standing collar.
  • YKK front zip closure.
  • Red stripes on both sleeves.
  • Outer side zipped pockets.
  • X-Men jacket have two breast zipper pockets.
  • Zipper cuffs straps.
  • Wolverine leather jacket is stitched with polyester thread.

Inner Shell:

  • Wolverine leather jacket is satin lined.
  • 2 Interior pockets.

Interested to buy the product?

Go to the following link to buy this product, see more products from a wide range of Fashion Leather Garments for Men & Women and Motorcycle Leather Gear

wolverine leather jacket

x-men jacket

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